AI Joke

I asked ChatGPT for a joke to liven up my latest piece, and it quipped, “Why did the Tasmanian tiger join a dating app? It heard scientists were trying to match its genes!” Hilarious.

My 40

Today, I turn 40. Coincidentally, it’s been almost a year since I made London my home and a year and a half since I bid farewell to Russia. So, how did I mark this year? I reached out to those in need, shared my experience, gave advice, and penned a few decent pieces. I delved… Read More My 40

Human Error

While assessing ChatGPT’s prowess in performing list operations (which, I must say, it handles pretty adeptly), I decided to test its ability to count the number of items within a list. As expected, the language model stumbled and provided a count of 56 instead of the accurate 53. Granted, I wasn’t anticipating complete precision, but… Read More Human Error

Welcome to the Jungle

​​I really love this picture. It’s so atmospheric; I feel like I’m lying on that woodland edge, closely observing the pine (or spruce?) shoot emerging from the ground. I can almost smell the soil and needles! In fact, neither the woodland edge nor the spruce exists in nature. An AI created them in response to… Read More Welcome to the Jungle