I’m turning 41 today. You might think that people born in Siberia at the beginning of autumn have it all figured out: by this time, the harvest is ready, the potatoes are mostly dug up, and the weather isn’t too harsh yet.
On the other hand, if you start reflecting in mid-September, a few months later it’s New Year’s, and you’re back to thinking about the past and setting goals that, let’s be honest, no one really sticks to.
So, this time, there will be no reflections!
I recently read this old book, The Cable, about the laying of the first transatlantic telegraph cable over a century and a half ago. In short, it was a struggle. As usual, they overestimated their capabilities and underestimated the challenges, almost went bankrupt in the process, and the whole thing dragged on for a decade. It’s hard not to see the metaphor here: if you keep at it long enough, something will work out. The main thing is not to go broke in the process.
Take care.